Friday, May 15, 2009



I also got home on Saturday, but more importantly: KITTENS!

Someone who works with my mom had them borned at her house, and needs to get rid of them. Five of them were brought into work today (I spent quite some time playing with them), and we went home with two - a brother and sister.

My cat Abbey is pretty pissed, as I knew she would be...she's VERY territorial and I'm sure is not taking at all kindly to this addition. But she'll deal. My mom and I figured that the two of them can entertain each other and so I can still devote time to her. They are so.freaking.cute.

So now I'm trying to figure out what to name them. Here's what we've come up with so far:
Bonnie and Clyde
Quentin or Benjy and Caddy (Allison's suggestion)
Sid and Nancy
Kurt and Courtney
Audrey and Mickey
Mabel and Malcolm

I also like Dante, Edgar, or Chase for the boy, and Lulu, Veronica, and especially Mabel for the girl. The boy is smarter and more alert than his sister, who is much more quiet and chill.

But I don't know. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I also recommend Vladimir and Estragon. I see no reason why Estragon couldn't be a lovely girls name. Or Fenchurch. I like the name Fenchurch although I have no male half to go with that.
